Fort Collins Eyeopeners Kiwanis participate in the following signature service projects and fundraisers. We also offer event sponsorships opportunities which support our mission to help kids, families, and our community. We welcome you to volunteer with us!
- Taste of Fort Collins – June (Volunteer Fundraising Opportunity)
- Annual Kids Fishing Derby – (Volunteer Service Opportunity)
- Gingerbread House Sponsorships – November and December (Sponsorship and Volunteer Fundraising Opportunity)
- McBackpack (Service Opportunity)
- Nappie Project – Every other month (Volunteer Service Opportunity)
- Catholic Charities of Larimer County (The Mission) – Once a month
- Preparing/Serving Dinner (Volunteer Service Opportunity)
- Salvation Army
- Back to School Carnival and Backpack Giveaway – August (Volunteer Service Opportunity)
- Annual Red Kettle Bell Ringing (Volunteer Service Opportunity)
- Swimsuit Lesson Book Presentation – (Volunteer Service Opportunity)
- Vindeket Foods (Volunteer Service Opportunity)