Eyeopeners Member Honored During Veterans Day Celebration
Eyeopeners member, Jack Gianola, was honored during the Colorado Early Colleges Fort Collins High School Veterans Day Celebration.
Colorado Early Colleges Key Club Service Project For Children’s Speech and Reading Center
Laura from the Children’s Speech and Reading Center spoke at a recent Colorado Early Colleges Key Club meeting. CEC Key Club members had assembled several dozen alphabet books that the Children’s Speech and Reading Center will use to help 4- year-olds in their program be ready for kindergarten.

Rocky Mountain District Division 16 Key Club Fall Rally
Rocky Mountain District Division 16 Key Clubs, led by Lieutenant Governor Skyler Mayse, had an incredible Fall Rally filled with team building, training, and service on Saturday, December 11. Participants prepared alphabet books for the Children’s Speech and Reading Center while learning about this non-profit organization from its executive director, Dave Boon. For more information on the Children’s Speech and Reading Center, visit https://www.csrckids.org/

CKI at Colorado State University
Circle K International (CKI) is a student leadership program at the collegiate level that was founded in 1936. CKI Club at Colorado State University was chartered on April 28, 2000. The CKI Club and Eyeopeners Kiwanis Club partner on several projects together every year, the most notable project is the Trail Cleanup that happens in the spring and fall.
High School Key Clubs
Key Club International is a high school student leadership program founded in 1925. The Eyeopeners Kiwanis club sponsors five Key Clubs in Fort Collins. Each Key Club has a Kiwanis Club member who is their direct contact and advocate. For more information, reach out to a Key Club advocate below:
- Rocky Mountain High School Key Club – chartered Dec. 21, 2004
- Bob Hansen @ rch4oee@aol.com
- Fossil Ridge High School Key Club – chartered Jan. 27, 2006
- Jim Packard @ Jimpack@pacbell.net
- Liberty Commons Key Club – chartered Jun 11, 2012
- Erica Romberg @ Erica.Romberg@colorado.edu
- Fort Collins High School Key Club – chartered April 1, 2013
- Krista Taylor @ kristaleetaylor@outlook.com
- Colorado Early Colleges Key Club – chartered Feb. 1, 2019
- Jack Gianola @ jgianola1@comcast.net
Middle School Builders Club
Middle School Builders Clubs are designed specifically to help middle school students discover their passion to serve, their desire to lead, and their ability to engage and collaborate with others in our community.
- Liberty Commons Builders Club – chartered March 7, 2022
- Erica Romberg @ Erica.Romberg@colorado.edu
Akton Club
Aktion Club, founded in 1988 by Kiwanis International, is a sponsored program that works with adults with disabilities. Fort Collins Eyeopeners works with other Kiwanis clubs across the Rocky Mountain division to work with Foothills Gateway and the Aktion Club. The Fort Collins Aktion Club was chartered in 2006.
Key Leader Signature Project
Key Leader is a Kiwanis designed and sponsored weekend leadership program for high school students ages 14 -18.
The mission of Key Leader is to inspire young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership. The program, led by a Kiwanis International certified instructor, teaches skills essential for students to become value-driven leaders.
Students learn to connect with students from diverse backgrounds, and experience what it means to be a team player. They learn that working together is the key to success in completing important projects and that real leaders put others first. It is an opportunity to make lifetime friends with people who share the same integrity and values.
Since 2005, more than 33,000 students around the world have participated in Key Leaders weekends. For more information, see the Rocky Mountain District Key Leader website.