Kiwanis is for you if:
- YOU believe children are the future.
- YOU take pride in your community.
- YOU want to reach out to those in need.
- YOU enjoy meeting new people.
Because Kiwanis members:
- Improve communities one child at a time.
- Build enduring friendships through service and fellowship.
- Believe they can make a difference in our communities.
- Sharpen leadership skills.
- Develop business contacts.
- Appreciate the talents and successes of our members.
We are always looking for passionate people to join our club!
Joining Eyeopeners Kiwanis is fast and easy:
- Contact Eyeopeners at Kiwanis.eyeopeners@gmail.com and let us know you are interested in our club.
- Attend an upcoming Eyeopeners meeting. Check out the calendar on our main page for more information.
- Fill out the membership application you will receive from an Eyeopeners’ member.
- Complete the Kiwanis International background check you receive via email. (Note: With Eyeopeners’ emphasis on serving kids in our community, we require all members to pass the Kiwanis International background check.)
Annual Kiwanis membership dues are collected each October.
- $50 – 1st year upon joining
- $170 – 2nd year
- $220 – 3rd year and beyond